
St John's Medical College Hospital

Dr. Manu Sam Mathew
Designation : Senior Resident
Department :Critical Care Medicine
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Assistant Professor
St. John's Medical College Hospital
2018- Present
Bangalore, India

Senior Resident
St. John's Medical College Hospital
Bangalore, Karnataka

Assistant Professor
St. John's Medical College Hospital
Bangalore, Karnataka

DM Dissertation Association of cumulative fluid balance and total body water on extubation outcomes in intensive care unit

Manu Varma MK, Krishna B, Sampath S. Secular trends in an Indian Intensive Care Unit-database derived epidemiology: the stride study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019;23(6):251–257

International journal of scientific research volume-6 | issue-8 | august – 2017 | 308-311

BIS guided comparative study of dexmedetomidine and midazolam as premedicant in posterior fossa surgeries

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