Key areas of Research

We consider research as an integral part of work and our research areas of interest have primarily included developmentally supportive care and Kangaroo mother care, its benefits to low birth weight babies and currently its implementation in a district of Koppal in North Karnataka as a part of a multicentric WHO study. The other areas include Pain in newborns and its reduction, therapeutic hypothermia by low cost methods, hypoglycemia and its follow up, delayed cord clamping in preterm babies and its benefits, probiotics and erythromycin for feeding tolerance, kidney growth in LBW babies, methods of noise reduction in NICU, drugs for newborn seizures, prediction and management of PDA, methods to improve breast milk and quality improvement to reduce infections.

As part of collaborative research we are part of community based projects of onsite mentoring Sukshema along with SJRI in high priority districts of Karnataka and in devising a remote sensing capsule for detecting temperature and to maintain temperature using embrace. All cadre of personnel including nurse, undergraduates and fellowship students have been part of our research endeavours

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