
St John's Medical College

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Dr. Santu Ghosh
Designation :Associate professor

M.Sc. ,PhD

1. Steering Committee member for Collaborative for Air Pollution and Health Effects Research (CAPHER)—India, launched in 2021 jointly by AIIMS and IIT, Delhi, funded by Health Effects Institute, Boston, USA.
2. Serving as an Expert Group members of the ICMR-TF for Impact assessment of “PMUY for clean household cooking fuel-LPG”, ongoing from Jan, 2018 at ICMR, New Delhi.
3. Life member of Calcutta Statistical Association.
4. Life member for Indian Society for Medical Statistics
5. Member of American Society for Nutrition

1.Estimation of protein requirement and body composition in healthy Indian children aged 1-5 years",Funded By ICMR
2. Co-Investigator of project "Carbohydrate intake and its effects on insulin, body weight and components of energy expenditure",Funded By ICMR, duration 12 months(2022-2023),PI:Dr. Rebecca Kuriyan Raj, Professor & Head,Department of Life Sciences; nutrition and health sciences,St John Research Institute,Bengaluru Urban,Karnataka 560034,
3. Co-Investigator of project Bayesian Hierarchical modeling techniques for the evaluation of nutrition-specific programs in India using data from national surveys: Creating a framework for prospective evaluation of national programs through national surveys across states of India,Funding Agency: POWER Grant, Dept of Science and Technology, Govt of India.
4.Sub contract with NIN-ICMR, HYD for statistical support for a cluster randomized clinical trial to assess the efficacy of screen and treat approach for reducing the anemia.

Semi parametric Modeling, Spatial Statistics, Survival Analysis, Clinical & Observational Epidemiology, Air Pollution Epidemiology, Nutritional Epidemiology and Statistical Computation under R programming & statistical computing environment.

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