Services - Paediatric Nephrology

Towards comprehensive and affordable care for neonates, infants, children and adolescents with kidney diseases Outpatient services: General nephrology includes glomerular diseases (nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, haemolytic uremic syndrome and others), tubular diseases( renal tubular acidosis, Bartter’s syndrome, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and others), Urinary tract infections, congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract, cystic kidney diseases, hypertension, renal- related vasculitis Urolithiasis and genetic evaluation and counselling.

Tele-consultations: Provided on select days and timings

Special clinics and services:

Chronic kidney disease and Kidney transplant clinic (Mondays)
Multidisciplinary care by a team of pediatric nephrologists, dietician, CKD nurse, PD nurse , HD technician and medical social worker. This department is a leading centre for implementing and sustaining home dialysis (Chronic ambulatory PD) in infants, children and adolescents

Nephrology-urology clinic (Wednesdays)
Collaborative care by pediatric surgeons/ urologists and pediatric nephrologists for disorders of the urinary tract. Facilities for ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, micturating cystourethrogram and radio nuclear scans are available

Outpatient hemodialysis
Providing hemodialysis on every day of the week for children and adolescents

Patient support group meet for nephrotic syndrome (one Thursday a month):
Open discussion and sharing of experiences between parents, child, medical social worker and nephrologist

Transition to adult nephrology service (Fridays)
Systematic and coordinated transition of adolescent patients to adult nephrology service between ages 17-18years.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Continuous 24 hour blood pressure monitoring in outpatient children with hypertension

Medical social work support
Financial support and counselling offered to needy families Hospital pharmacy
Medications and disposables related to kidney care in children are available

Inpatient services: Provided in the general ward, pediatric ITU/ICU and private wards for all kidney diseases including acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, glomerular diseases (nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, haemolytic uremic syndrome and others), tubular diseases( renal tubular acidosis, Bartter’s syndrome, Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and others), Urinary tract infections, congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract, cystic kidney diseases, hypertension, renal- related vasculitis, and Urolithiasis

- General and private wards
25 bed general ward for kidney care of clinically stable patients

- Intermediate treatment unt
5 bed unit for monitoring and treatment of sick children

- Pediatric Intensive care unit
Need based beds provided for critically ill children with kidney disease needing acute peritoneal dialysis, acute hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement therapies

- Peritoneal dialysis unit
For initiating CAPD, training care giver, and treating complications. In house automated PD facility is available.

- Hemodialysis unit
Providing maintenance dialysis and plasmapheresis for stable children

- Kidney transplant unit
Undertaking kidney transplantation and post operative care in children and adolescents

- Kidney biopsy
Conducting kidney biopsies under ultrasound guidance for infants, children and adolescents.

- Nephro-pathology
Kidney biopsies (Light microscopy and Immunofluorescence) are reported by an in-house nephropathologist. Electron microscopy studies are out sourced

- Service to allied departments and cross consultations
Kidney care services are provided as cross consultations to departments of pediatrics, Pediatric hemato-oncology and neonatal ICU and consultations are obtained from departments of immunology, endocrinology , gastroenterology, neurology, cardiology and pulmonology

- Short stay day care
Children with kidney disease needing short stay for infusions of specific medications are provided with day -care.

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