
In order to achieve this multi disciplinary exposure, the faculty is divided into 7 departments with a Professor/ Associate Professor heading the department.
The college of nursing is under the able leadership of Rev. Sr. Sajitha Moothedan, assisted by the Vice Principal PG – Dr. Bindhu Mathew.

  • Fundamentals of Nursing – Prof. Susan Kumar

    Fundamentals of nursing department is directed towards teaching the basic principles and procedures of nursing. The course highlights the significance of the fundamental needs of humans and competence in fundamental skills as prerequisites to providing extensive nursing care.

  • Medical Surgical Nursing- Prof. Dr. Bindhu Mathew

    Medical surgical nursing : The MSN department strives towards imparting skills and clinical competencies in adult patients with medical and surgical conditions.

  • Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing – Prof. Dr. Gayathiri N

    Obstetrics and Gynecological department trains students in knowledge and skill to function as midwives’, incorporating evidence based practice in the care of women and newborns in the hospital and community.

  • Psychiatric Nursing – Mrs. Nisha C.K

    The Department of Psychiatric Nursing is committed to training students in a variety of settings and provide comprehensive care to individuals, families, groups, and communities. They equip young nurses to form therapeutic relationships with individuals across the lifespan and trains the student to transform lives in a positive way.

  • Pediatric Nursing – Prof. Shiny Mathew

    The main objective of the pediatric health nursing department is to prepare students to identify the normal growth and development of children and identify deviation from the normal, give comprehensive nursing care to children and families suffering from various medical and surgical problems .

  • Community Health Nursing- Mrs. Deepa Nair

    The community health nursing department aims in training students to work in partnership with their local communities, work to prevent illness and promote health by identifying barriers to healthy lifestyles and general wellness. The students are shaped to be the interpretative bridge between the acute sector and community services. They embrace a social model of health to advocate and give a voice to the community accessing care.

  • Nursing education and administration – Sr. Sajitha Moothedan

    Nurses are educators and administrators. Nursing education plays a critical role in preparing competent and compassionate nurses who are equipped to meet the complex healthcare needs of diverse patient populations. The subject Nursing education aims at preparing students to be skilled and quality teachers. It promotes lifelong learning and professional development among students by instilling commitment to continuous learning, professional growth, and ethical practice. Nursing Administration focusses on strong leadership, setting goals, developing policies, and implementing strategies to achieve organizational objectives. It is a blend of theory covering the above topics and firsthand experience and observation of various departments of the health care facility.

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