Services - Paediatric Haemato-Oncology

Out Patient Services: Unit of Hope Building, 1st Floor
We see approximately 1000 new patients and 15,000 consults each year. These include over 100 children with new cancer diagnosis every year, and over 400 children on follow up after cancer treatment. We treat 75-80 paediatric patients each year with new diagnosis of bleeding disorders (ITP, haemophilia, rare bleeding disorders), with over 500 such patients on follow up. We also look after over 200 children with thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies at our centre.

In Patient Services:New extension B Block , 1st Floor
We have specifically allotted 30 beds in an exclusive Paediatric Haematology- Oncology general ward for the care of admitted patients. These patient areas are equipped with procedure rooms and designated chemotherapy preparation area. These wards are separate from the general Paediatric wards to decrease the risk of cross infections. Single and shared room facilities and specialized isolation room facilities for neutropenia (low blood counts) are available.

Day Care:
Dedicated state-of- the-art facility for patients to receive outpatient chemotherapy, including infusion and intrathecal chemotherapy.

Blood Transfusion and Apheresis:
Transfusion of packed red blood cells, platelet concentrates (single donor and random donor platelets), fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate are available at our Centre 24/7 for those who need blood transfusion. . Apheresis for platelets and stem cells and irradiation of blood products is done on site. Facilities for both pre-storage and bedside leuco-reduction of blood components are available.

Biological Therapy:
We have expertise in and provide treatment facility for administration of Monoclonal antibodies, Interferon, Growth factors, Anti Thymocyte globulin and other agents.

Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant:
Our Centre performs, supports and coordinates transplant activities for matched family, unrelated and haploidentical allogeneic stem cell transplants and autologous stem cell transplant.

Facilities at Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant Centre:
Pre-transplant investigations for patient and donor
Family conference and counselling.
Donor harvest
Conditioning , Infusion of stem cells and Post-transplant immunosuppression
Post-transplant surveillance
Long term follow-up and survivorship programme

We believe the science and art of caring for children with cancer and chronic blood disorders needs a large multi-disciplinary team. We work closely with several paediatric sub-specialties within St. John’s, including Paediatric Surgery , Radiation Oncology, Paediatric Nephrology , Clinical Pathology & Transfusion Medicine, Histopathology, Clinical Genetics, Dept of Neonatology and Neurosurgery Paediatric Intensive Care, Adult Haematology & Pain and Palliative Medicine and Medical Social Work.

Solid Tumour Team:
Our division works closely with the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Surgical Oncology and the Paediatric Pathology Services to provide comprehensive care for complex childhoods solid tumours under one roof.

Emergency services:
We work closely with the Paediatric Emergency room faculty and the Department of Paediatric Intensive Care to provide state of the art intensive care during hematological and oncological emergencies.

Schedule of Clinical Services

Sl. no






Dr. Anand Prakash

Monday & Thursday

9am to 1 pm

Unit of Hope Building 1st Floor


Dr. Vandana Bharadwaj

Tuesday & Friday

9am to 1 pm

Unit of Hope Building 1st Floor


Dr. Jyothi. M

Wednesday & Saturday

9am to 1 pm

Unit of Hope Building 1st Floor


Dr. Sidharth Totadri

Tuesday & Saturday

9am to 1 pm

Unit of Hope Building 1st Floor


Dr. Sompida Pal

Monday & Thursday

9am to 1 pm

Unit of Hope Building 1st Floor

Evening Consultation

Sl. no




Room No


Dr. Anand Prakash

Monday to Saturday

4pm to 6pm

OPD - 22


Dr. Sidharth Totadri

Monday to Friday

4pm to 6pm

OPD - 22

Nutrition support in Paediatric Oncology:(Monday to Saturday Morning OPD)
Our full time dietician is supported by Cuddles Foundation (an NGO which supports nutritional support to childhood cancer patients), and closely monitors all children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Timely and specialised nutritional intervention is key to ensure optimal outcomes in these vulnerable patients.

Social Work support:(Monday to Saturday Morning OPD)
Our dedicated social workers is a key asset in ensuring adequate social and financial support to ensure our patients receive and complete treatment. Several organisations work relentlessly with us to provide life saving treatment for our patients. Some of these include Rotary Bangalore South West Bangalore, Bagaria Foundation, Kiara Music Academy, Live-for-the-moment and Make-A-Wish. We have a volunteer team led by Mr Joy, who work with the social workers for fund raising.

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