
St John's Medical College

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Dr. B Ramakrishna Goud
Designation : Professor
Department:Community Medicine


1. Member of the Core Committee of the Hospital Infection Control Committee
2. Member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for St. John's Geriatric Centre
3. Member Board of Studies-Adichunchanagiri University (ACU), Bellur, Mandya District

1. Maanasi-Community Mental Health Project-Service driven operations analytics and developing eMaanasi Digital Health Platform for digitizing the Maanasi Service operations; Supported by Rotary Clubs (Midtown Charitable Trust and Howard West, USA)
2. MITHRA Project-MITHRA (Multiuser Interactive Health Response Application) in collaboration with Div of Medical Informatics, SJRI and the University of Washington. An NIH RO1 Project
3. Soukhya Project-Supported by HCL Foundation; Soukhya- Celebrating life: Strengthening the implementation of National Programme for prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) in, South Zone BBMP

Rural Health, Mental Health, Infection Control, Occupational Health and Health Systems and Digital Health Environmental Health, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Safe Management of Bio Medical Waste and WasteWater

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