Overview - Dental Surgery

The history of dental department can be traced back to 1980 when it was first established by collaborative efforts of Dr. Salahuddin and his team.After 2 yearsof functioning, Dr. Afrose Parveen took over the charge of the department as Asst. Professor and continued working effortlessly till official retirement. She proudly completed Silver Jublee in the institution. Over the time dental department has evolved tremendously in terms of advanced technologies, equipment and expertise of doctors that nearly covers all the specialties pertaining to the dentistry. Introduction to implant dentistry was a big boon to the department by Dr. Purushotham Manvi who joined the institution in the year of 2015. His specialization in the field of Maxillofiacial Prosthesis has given new light to the department by rehabilitating patient with oral facial defects.

The aim of the department is to focus on both preventive and curative aspects of dental treatment. The team of present dental doctors are dedicated to deliver dental care in a more efficient and ethical way. The doctors in the department had undergone training in the field of implants and in Endodontics to cope up with the challenges in day to day practice and to be at par with latest technologies. At an average on around 14,000 – 17,000/ patients are seen on OPD basis annually. Services of the department:

Oral Surgery - Exactions
- Implants
- Impactions
- Biopsy
- Miscellaneous
Orthodontics - Feeding plates
- Lingual arch
- Stainless steel crown
- Night guard
- Activator
- Upperexpansion Appliance
Prosthodontics - Crowns / Bridges
- Dentures
- Maxillofacial prosthesis
Endodontics - RCT/ Anterior and Posterior teeth
Conservative Dentistry - Restorations
- Esthetic smile design
Periodontics - Scaling
- Flap Surgeries
Pedodontics - Restoration
- Extraction
- Pulpectomy

OPD in the Dental - Room No 24.
OPD timings- Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 2: 30 pm.
Saturday – 9.00 am to 12.30 pm

Consultant List:

Sl.No Consultant Name Specialist
1 Dr. Purushotham Manvi Prosthodontist
2 Dr. Geeta Kale Periodontist
3 Dr. C. S. Nithya Maxilofacial & Oral Surgery
4 Dr. Hema Agnihotri Prosthodontist
5 Dr. Shinie Goveas Paedodontist
6 Dr. Khalid Sheriff General & Implant
7 Dr. Anju Roy General
8 Dr. Sarojini Joseph and team Orthodontics

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