Services - General Surgery

The regular academic programs include lectures, bedside clinics and tutorials for undergraduates, seminars, journals clubs, operative surgery discussions, clinical case discussions, departmental work audit including mortality reviews, for post graduates as well as interdepartmental meetings with Radiology, Pathology and other specialities .
A separate set of classes are held for interns.
A skills Lab is available to train students and interns in acquiring practical skills.

Services - General Surgery
Over the years the department has grown in terms of number of faculty, range of expertise and services available and now offers varied procedures such as advanced minimal access surgery, hepatobiliary, vascular, colorectal, GI and transplant surgery.
In addition the department caters to a significant proportion of emergencies seen at the Hospital; these include patients with acute surgical problems and poly trauma patients.
All faculty are well trained in their areas of work and are committed to provide the best for patients at all times.

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